Reflecting Jesus to Tulsa and around the world.
Parkview is committed to reaching our city, state, and world with the Good News of Jesus. It's something we've been doing for the entirety of our church's existence. These efforts continue even today and serve as part of our church's mission—to reflect Jesus together. We do this through local (Jerusalem), state (Judea), national (Samaria), and international (ends of the earth) partnerships. We have mission partners all over the world.
There are over 50 directors, associates, and interns on 38 local campuses in Oklahoma that make Baptist Collegiate Ministries possible. Parkview supports BCM statewide by giving to the Cooperate program, but we also provide direct financial support to the local BCM Chapters. Another way that Parkview supports the BCM is through providing lunches for college students throughout the semester. Meals are coordinated and provided to the students who attend BCM at The University of Tulsa and Tulsa Community College.
Parkview volunteers at Blessings International once a month. Blessings International is a non-profit organization whose mission is to alleviate suffering, provide medicines world-wide, and facilitating relationships to promote health.
Building All Children is a child development program. Their desire is to help families build their child’s development through assessments, resources, and empowerment.
Parkview financially supports BAC and partners with them to offer community playgroups, parent support groups, as well as free referrals for assessment to our Parkview families.
Hope Pregnancy Center's goal is to educate women about their options for pregnancy and give the support needed to make positive, healthy decisions for the future. They offer free, confidential services, including: pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, decision help, abortion recovery and pregnancy support. Parkview partners with Hope through financial and volunteer support.
The John 3:16 Mission is a center of hope for people who need it most. Those involved with this project will minister to the guests of the Mission by serving dinner and participating in a worship service. Parkview serves a meal once a month at their downtown location.
For more information about this incredible ministry visit their website at John316mission.org
The mission of Oklahoma Baptists is to serve and support Oklahoma Baptist churches by providing them resources that will help enable each church to be strong and healthy and assist them to conduct gospel ministries in their community context, and, to carry out state convention ministries in a way that is church-centered and gospel-focused.
These ministry areas are supported through Parkview's gifts to the Cooperative Program. To learn more about Oklahoma Baptists, visit oklahomabaptists.org
Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children (OBHC) is the largest provider of private, not-for-profit, residential childcare in the state. OBHC does not charge for any of its services, nor accepts government funds. OBHC is funded through the generosity of individuals, businesses as well as gifts from Southern Baptist churches through offerings and the Cooperative Program.
Parkview participates in this outreach by encouraging members to attend the annual Style Show and by raising money to provide clothes for children in this program.
Learn more about this impactful ministry at OBHC.org
The purpose of TMBN is to encourage, assist, and resource the unique, God-Given Vision of our Churches.
The organization consists of two specific objectives known as The Mission Objective and the Administrative Objective. The Mission Objective is composed of four church-related priorities which are supported by Priority Focus Teams. These four priorities, with corresponding teams, are: Planting new churches, strengthening existing congregations, developing leaders within the churches, both lay and clergy, and encouraging and supporting our church staff teams.
The North American Mission Board exists to work with churches, associations and state conventions in mobilizing Southern Baptists as a missional force to impact North America with the gospel of Jesus Christ through evangelism and church planting. They accomplish this through Send North America, a national strategy for mobilizing churches to plant churches and mobilizing church planters and other missionaries to assist with those efforts. Parkview partners with the NAMB through the Southern Baptist cooperative program.
Parkview’s Sewing Seeds Ministry has been working with the Biblioteca and the Dunamis Church since 2013. Parkview now serves alongside the Vine & Branches and Dunamis Church in Piedras Negras to reach their growing community. The two-fold vision for our ministry there:
Evangelize the women and children through sewing, cooking, children’s activities and Bible studies.
Continue building projects to expand the Dunamis church facility and connect new believers to this body of believers.
After 10 years of youth ministry, Jordan & Becky Sauceda felt the call to something new; through praying and fasting, the Saucedas felt that had God drawn them to the Bronx because of its diversity of nations that are represented and lack of gospel-centered churches. They are currently working on building a core team of members, researching the community, and forming relationships with locals in the neighborhood. Their specific neighborhood, Pelham Parkway, was historically Jewish, but is now one of the most culturally diverse corners in NYC. Parkview supports the Sauceda's financially and partners with them to take mission trips to NYC to assist in their work in the Bronx.
The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally is an American motorcycle rally held annually in Sturgis, South Dakota, usually the first full week of August. Parkview members team up for an incredible opportunity to be a witness at the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. In past years this Rally has brought any where from 400,000 - 500,000 visitors. This mission trip will focus on personal evangelism to vendors and visitors to the rally. We will be working in the Sturgis Motorcycle Giveaway tent sponsored by the Dakota Baptist Convention and the North American Mission Board. The team will also prayerwalk the streets of Sturgis for a couple of hours each day and give away New Testament Bibles.
Your gifts through Parkview support approximately 5,300 missionaries through the International Mission Board, who are engaging more than 1,100 different people groups around the world. The CP also supports six Southern Baptist seminaries educating over 16,000 future pastors, missionaries, and religious leaders. In addition, over 1,455 new churches are planted through the efforts of more than 5,271 North American Missionaries, whose efforts are coordinated through your North American Mission Board and individual state conventions.
Parkview partners with the church in Peru by sending teams to do both evangelical and medical missions. We have been part of planting many churches around the country and have seen hundreds of people come to know the Lord on these trips. The churches we work with do an excellent job following up with these people to help get them plugged in and continue their discipleship.
Founded in 2000 by Parkview member Frank Baxter, Up With Down is a nonprofit organization located in Voronoezh, Russia. The center for children with Down Syndrome accepts children of all ages. The staff includes a full time teacher as well as a full time administrator. In addition, the children have access to a part time therapist to assist with their physical needs. The Up with Down School operates on a monthly budget that is supplied by donations. If you would like to be a part of supporting this amazing ministry center and be blessed by these extraordinary children and their families contact Frank Baxter.